On Being Lolita: Navigating Public Transportation

On Being Lolita: Navigating Public Transportation

Depending on where you live, you may find yourself at some point stepping onto a bus in rocking-horse shoes. Although many lolita may find themselves distant from any metropolis, commiserating with Momoko in Shimotsuma, cities and other urban areas are common sites of meetups or other events. Driving may be convenient, as you are able to choose your own arrival and departure and will have a shorter commute than a vehicle that must make intermediate stops, but it can also be inconvenient. Some areas have little to no parking available, terrible road congestion, or various high fees related to motor vehicles, such as metered parking, paid parking, or tolls. Riding public transportation isn’t usually difficult, but there are some extra precautions when dolled up in one’s lolita finery.

Avoid Dirt and Grime
Public transportation systems, whether rail or bus, are typically less than impeccably clean. Generally the cleanliness of the stations and vehicles is related to the area and route–I find that terminals in high-traffic areas such as downtown are often cleaner than those in outlying regions of the city, as are the buses or trains that service them. In a train station or at a bus terminal, grime can be everywhere. Buses and trains contribute to the pollutants, and people traffic mud, slush, or dust as they pass through. Sometimes graffiti is also an issue.

Due to the poofing power of the essential petticoat(s), corridors and turnstiles require a certain level of awareness. I use my arms to push my petticoat close to my legs, to avoid brushing my skirt against the walls of the station or surface of the turnstile. The walls are often very dingy, sometimes washed even less frequently than the floor. Pressing your petticoat close when passing through the metal arms of the turnstiles can also prevent you from getting caught on something and possibly snagging or tearing delicate clothing or trims.

Additionally, watch your step! Puddles are common, as are spills of beverages, food items, and even art supplies. Besides dirtying your shoes, the scattered remains of a half-finished smoothie could cause you to slip, possibly causing injury and/or damage.

When you board a train or bus, be aware of your surroundings. Watch for the open window (a blessing if you are feeling too warm, but a danger if it is allowing brackish water to drip inside), leaking fixture, filth-smeared seat, or freshly-graffitied panel. Never sit down without looking–and if you are extra-cautious, touch the seat with your fingertips to be sure it is dry. I’ve luckily avoided mishaps when wearing lolita, but I have taken a seat on my way to work onto to discover that the snow melted off the previous rider’s jacket into a very cold damp spot at the edge of the seat; it’s quite unpleasant.

Prevent Theft
Buses or trains are prime locations for theft. An expert pickpocket can squeeze past you in a crowded bus and exit at the next stop before you’ve even noticed your wallet is gone. While iPods and other music players are convenient and can make a boring commute less taxing, they are distracting. Even when you’re not wearing lolita, it’s safest to keep the volume at a level that doesn’t block everything else out. Games, either on a portable system or cellphone, can serve the same purpose. Wearing such an eye-catching style such as lolita fashion attracts attention, and it might be the criminal kind. It’s always a bad idea to just assume you are safe.

If you must carry a large purse, as most lolita do, never let it out of your focus. Don’t just see it, or know you have it with you–confirm that you feel it securely in your hands. Cross-body straps make it harder for someone to snatch a bag from your hands or off your shoulder, but lolita handbags are not made of materials resistant to cutting; don’t rely on a handle or strap to be the ultimate in protection. If possible, keep essential items, such as your ID or bus pass, in a secure place on your person. And close your purse, to keep someone else’s hands out!

When you are in a station or riding public transportation, try to stay near facility employees. Sit near the bus driver or train conductor, or wait near the station agent. This can be just a little bit of extra determent, especially because with such conspicuous clothing the employees are bound to be paying at least some attention to you.

Generally, lolita fashion seems to make unsavory people want to keep their distance, but it never hurts to be cautious.

Respect Other Riders
When you are getting on a bus or passing through a turnstile, have your fare ready. If you’re traveling in a group, you don’t want to be left behind because you had to fumble through your Usakumya backpack to find your fare card. Even if you are alone, it’s frustrating to anyone behind you if someone is blocking the entrance because they weren’t ready to pay when they stepped up.

Lolita clothing is voluminous; try not to invade other passengers’ personal space. Hold your skirts close to your body and carry bags in front of you to avoid bumping into someone else–no-one wants to be accosted by Sugary Carnival or to be knocked in the shoulder by a plush Milky-chan fawn, even if she is utterly adorable. Unless the route has a low volume of riders and the bus or train is empty, try to sit down. Standing up will avoid wrinkles or worrying about the cleanliness of the seats, but it is very difficult for other riders to get past you when they get on and off. Additionally, it takes a little bit of practice to be able to keep your balance when the vehicle is in motion or stopping/starting–you eliminate the risk of tripping onto someone else if you sit down.

When seated, try to only take up one seat. If there’s plenty of space, there’s no harm in carefully arranging your petticoats and skirts to flow as elegantly as possible across the plastic seating, but if everyone is packed in like sardines, don’t assume that no-one would dare sit on your clothes if they’re invading nearby seats. I typically take hold of each side of my skirt and fold them over my lap, setting my bag ontop of that if I am carrying one. That leaves the seat next to me free for someone else.

And, if possible, sit next to another lolita. It’s less nerve-wracking to be next to someone who is probably more aware of the value and sentimental attachment to your clothing than a random stranger. Another lolita is less likely to smear dirt/dust on you accidentally, grumble about your attire, or start off on a commute-long tangent about how you remind her of the Tooth Fairy and don’t you know it isn’t Halloween yet?

Take a Deep Breath
Although you may be doing your part to respect other riders, sometimes other riders (or even bus operators) will disrespect you. People may snicker while you wait at the bus stop, snap photos with their cellphones while you ride the train, make comments among themselves about your attire, or attempt to start up conversations with you for a variety of reasons. In these instances, it’s best to stay calm. I recommend being polite and ignoring non-direct offenders, but the proper reaction is entirely dependent on the situation.

Don’t be afraid to ask “stealth-photographers” to stop, but don’t expect they will just because you asked. Smile and nod when an old man rambles on about how you look so pretty and what a shame that the good ol’ days are gone, but don’t put up with someone’s unwanted advances if they make you uncomfortable. Ask them to stop, turn your attention to something else, or move somewhere else if possible. If you feel threatened, don’t hesitate to contact the nearest transit employee–it is their job to handle issues like this, and if they ignore you make note of their name/number and file a formal complaint!

Usually I find that there are only twitters from teenage girls, which are better ignored than acknowledged, and ramblings from homeless or “troubled” individuals, which can be uncomfortable to weather through but generally are harmless. It’s inevitable that people’s attention will be captivated if you look like a pastel cupcake or a vampire princess.

Watch Your Step
Lolita footwear is not very practical. Take care when stepping on and off the bus so that you don’t loose your footing and slip. (This is especially important when it is rainy or cold outside, as there may be water or ice!) Gorgeous shoes can complete a coordination, but if you have a difficult time manuvering in said shoes, consider wearing a more practical pair, carrying the pretty ones, and swapping them at your destination.

Also, don’t rely solely on shoes that are painful to walk in. Public transportation eliminates some of the walking, but often not all of it. Make sure that you can keep up with the others you are meeting up with; unfortunately, if your shoes are really hurting you it is extremely unlikely that someone else will carry you! Be responsible, and bear it as best you can or (the much better option) wear more comfortable shoes.

Magical Transformation
If any of this seems daunting, it isn’t at all uncommon for lolita to wear one outfit for traveling and change into their coordination when they reach their destination. If you’re too worried about your clothing or too nervous about attracting attention, tuck your outfit into a backpack or duffel bag and bring it with you. It usually isn’t too difficult to find a bathroom in which to change–the station nearest your destination, a coffee shop, etc. It isn’t worth stressing yourself out over!

If you don’t want to pack your entire outfit, sometimes just packing your petticoats is enough. Petticoats provide the volume that is the most common problem when using mass transit; a flatter skirt is easier to deal with or more comfortable for some lolita. If you have a very large purse and a very durable petticoat, you may be able to squish it inside for the duration of your ride, and change back into it at a later time.

Overall, public transportation isn’t something to be feared or avoided, but a little extra thought can go a long way! I’ve relied on my city’s rail and bus system, which isn’t the best but certainly gets the job done, for several years with very little in the ways of mishaps. I don’t have any horrific stories of clothing ruined, valuables taken, or injury sustained–but I try to take some part in that rather than relying entirely on chance! Once you’ve ridden public transportation a few times with a full lolita coordinate, it becomes second nature to be alert for dirt, check your footing, and keep your poof controlled.

Since I don’t have to worry about finding a parking space or feeding the meter, I can enjoy my time at the meetup with my friends even more! ♥

Outfit Snap: Valentine’s Red Heart

Outfit Snap: Valentine’s Red Heart

Polka Dot Days

I almost didn’t bother wearing lolita fashion on Valentine’s Day, even though I had been planning for it the moment I started thinking Valentine’s Day thoughts. I was being a bit of a silly, worrying type of girl because my husband slipped on some ice the day before and hurt his ankle. Even though I should have been thinking about how happy I was that we’d be able to spend it together, instead I was worrying about how this would impact the plans I had made.

However, when I got dressed in my non-frilly clothes, he was very surprised and disappointed. “…Why aren’t you wearing lolita?” Ultimately, when I select my clothes he is the one I’m trying to impress. It means a lot to me that my person not only LIKES the aesthetics of lolita fashion, but likes that I wear lolita fashion. I always hear stories that start off as “oh, well, my boyfriend HATES lolita,” so I count myself very lucky to have someone who is so supportive of my interests. ♥ Thus I changed my outfit–and it was definitely a good idea!

Huge Sweater of Doom

I thought this would be a good day to wear one of my cardigans. I’ve wanted a cardigan for a long time, but I didn’t own one until very recently. However, this really wasn’t a good outfit to wear a cardigan with. Almost as soon as I put it on, I felt like it didn’t lay nicely over the bows and what-not on the jumperskirt’s bodice. This would be better over something with less detail, I think.


This blouse is one of my favourite finds. I’m really, really bad at finding things to coordinate into my lolita outfits that didn’t come from a lolita company or seamstress. This blouse, however, is a t-shirt I found at a department store a few years ago. I didn’t change anything about it–it already had puffed sleeves, buttons, and a peter pan collar! It really looks awkward with jeans, because it is extremely long and involves some gathering around the buttoned area, but it works really well under a jumperskirt or with a lolita-style skirt!

I have ribbons in my hair that match the jumperskirt, but they’re very hard to see.

Red always feels like the perfect colour for Valentine’s Day! It’s so cheerful~ I do love pink, but red seems more passionate~ ♥ I’ll probably wear this jumperskirt again next year!

Chocolate Macaron Fairy
Reading Corner: Friday’s Child

Reading Corner: Friday’s Child

Friday's Child

I currently moderate the Lolita Bookclub, although I will admit that I am not the best at this. I can’t seem to post things on time–although that was actually one of my resolutions for the year. I need to stay more aware of my intended time management–too often things I’ve really wanted to do get pushed to the wayside because of time conflicts with “real life.” I find myself thinking, “Oh, I should post to loli_bookclub… nah, I’ll check the mail/sweep the kitchen/scrub the bathtub/write a memo for class.” u_u It’s procrastination, but it feels a bit backwards.

The book for January was The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer. It promised to be a charming book about siblings who have switched gender roles to avoid detection and punishment for their roles as former Jacobites. I hurried off to check it out from the main library, after verifying that it existed in the collection…and absolutely could not find it. I registered to put a copy on hold and have it shipped to my local branch library. In the meantime, I picked up another Heyer book (to at least keep with the theme) to amuse myself while waiting.

I selected Friday’s Child based on its title and cover image–admittedly not a very sound method of selection! I started reading it the next day…and once I started, I found myself so enraptured that I continued reading right through class the next evening, jotting a line in my notes about how my notes were incomplete because my attention was elsewhere. e_e

Friday’s Child is not really a Pulitzer Prize winner, but it is a thoroughly enjoyable book! The characterization is amusing and diverse, with quirks and faults providing dimensions instead of presenting flat personalities. The storyline flows smoothly, avoiding pauses or dull overstretched moments. At first it almost seems to have not much in the way of an actual plot, but it knits itself together before becoming tiresome. The dialogue is witty, realistic, and enjoyable to the fullest extent–I couldn’t stop myself from reading passages to my husband. I haven’t read anything so entertaining in a very, very long time!

The story itself is a romance in the Regency era. A fiery-tempered young Viscount is crushed when the Incomparable (renowned beauty and childhood playmate) refuses his proposal. She doesn’t believe he lovers her, and she knows that he must either marry or wait until age 25 to inherit his fortune. While griping about his failure to woo her, he comes across another childhood playmate, an orphan of good breeding, upset that she has been given the ultimatum of marriage or becoming a governess. Impetuously, he proposes to her and she accepts! This is the start of their crazy adventures, as the Viscount doesn’t quite understand how his life will change when he takes such an innocent, unworldly wife!

I had so much fun reading this that I plan to check out a few more Heyer novels the next time I’m in the library. Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy something lighthearted and sweet~ ♥

Outfit Snap: Ring the Wedding Bells

Outfit Snap: Ring the Wedding Bells

Fancy Stairs

I really wanted to write about my wedding, as I was just married on Friday and I wore lolita, but unfortunately I can’t seem to get my thoughts in order~ It seems like as soon as I got back from my extremely short honeymoon (in which I took one day off of work) everything was ready to trample me! Between work and classes, I’ve been so exhausted that when I get home I just want to flop around like a lazy lazybones. I’m also preparing to speak about lolita fashion at the University of Chicago’s UChiCon this Saturday, January 30, 2010!

My wedding wasn’t an elaborate and fancy affair, but I wanted to dress as though it was one! I didn’t make the decision to wear lolita fashion lightly. I only plan on getting married once; I don’t plan on a “do over!” I didn’t want to look back on the pictures, which wouldn’t be professional anyway, and wish I had worn something else! Lolita fashion as been a passion of mine during times of so much happiness, so it means a lot to me. I put a lot of effort into picking the dress I would wear–I wanted it to be ~~special~~, not something that seemed like a normal part of my lolita wardrobe.

When I first saw Angelic Pretty‘s “Lacy Ballerina” jumperskirt in a shop blog post in April 2009, I fell in love! ♥ It was white and frothy, with lace, satin, AND pearls! The design strongly appealed to me–it seemed to draw elements from both a wedding dress and fancy lingerie~ However, it couldn’t have been released at a worse time–I had neither money nor quick means to acquire any, having just sold any “spare” possessions to pay university costs. When I told my person, he surprised me by revealing that he had been saving up for just such an occasion…and soon it was mine! Once it arrived, I hid it in the back of my closet; it was not for wearing on a regular basis.

After that, I slowly started accumulating more items to coordinate with that dress. A beautiful lacy choker with pearl strands and a golden heart pendant~ Then a pair of shoes–something slightly more mature than the bow-topped flats I usually wear with my outfits, although still with a lolita design. Everything built up gradually, whenever I had a bit of spending money and saw something suitable. When we finalized our plans, I didn’t have much time to get things together! I was lucky enough to find gloves at a local store, and I made the hairbow the night before our ceremony.

Pretty Dress, Silly Face

The hairbow was one of my favourite parts! I didn’t want a “head-eating” type of bow, but I needed something I could wear with my intended hairstyle of a high, curled ponytail. I don’t personally care for tiaras, although I’m sure one would look very nice with such a style of dress–it definitely would add a princessy touch! I tried to find a suitable bow, but without having the time to order something online I was at a disadvantage. I thought I could just make one myself, but I found out the night before that mysteriously most of my ribbons are gone! (I formerly had a LOT of ribbons…)

So I spent the evening on the floor, surrounded by various trims, trying to decide what to do. Luckily, I discovered another type of ribbon was made of a very wide white ribbon, so I carefully unstitched it…then ironed the ribbon in my hair straightener. XD Once I formed the bow, I stitched on some pearls–to mimic the style of the waist-bow of the jumperskirt. Then I stitched the bow to a hairclip and anchored it with hot glue; I didn’t want to take any chances. I’m not a very “crafty” person, but I rose to the challenge!

Looking back, I’m very satisfied with my choices! ♥ But of course, I’m happiest to be married to the most wonderful person ever!!!

Sweet Treats: Beard Papa’s Cream Puffs

Sweet Treats: Beard Papa’s Cream Puffs

Beard Papa's Chicago

Since I absolutely love dessert with every inch of my being, whenever I am in New York City I try my best to visit at least one new snack shop. I find there’s always some kind of new chain cropping up or some trend that hasn’t arrived in Chicago. It started when I read about Rice to Riches many years ago, and continued with Bouchon Bakery, Buttercup Bake Shop, and Pinkberry, among others. The last time I visited, my destination was Beard Papa’s, a cream puff franchise that originated in Japan. However… I never made it to the shop! ;_; It seemed that I would have to wait until I wound up back in NYC again…or miraculously somewhere in California near a location.

So I was ecstatic to hear about a Chicago location of Beard Papa’s! I first heard about it before the store had opened, and a recent mention in the Red Eye reminded me that it was now open~ It’s located in the new Block 37 shopping complex, directly across from the State Street Marshall Field’s, so I headed there the same day I read the note about the store!

The setup at the store is ingenious–to provide you with the freshest cream puff as possible, you choose the pastry and type of cream when you place your order, and then the custard is injected into the pastry only seconds before it is in your hands. This prevents the custard from soaking the pastry–it stays crisp and light. There are several options for both the pastry and the filling: original, eclair (chocolate-topped), cookie crunch, and I think fruit-topped (but I could be mistaken for this last one) for the pastry, and vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry for the custard. There are several other specialty custard flavors (including pumpkin, green tea, coffee, and earl grey), but they aren’t carried on a regular basis at the Chicago store.

The cream puff was delicious. The pastry was fresh (I even watched them take some out of the ovens while I ordered!) and the custard was smooth and creamy. I bought an eclair/strawberry cream puff to eat immediately, took home two original/vanilla and one eclair/chocolate to share with my person. ♥

The strawberry custard has chunks of fresh strawberries nestled in the cream. The flavor is 100% honest-to-goodness strawberry–not artificial-tasting in the slightest. The vanilla custard is smooth, with a clear vanilla-bean taste. The chocolate custard has fragmented pieces of chocolate in the rich chocolate cream. I couldn’t find fault with any of them! The original puff is definitely my favourite–the chocolate topping on the eclair pastry, although delicious, overwhelmed the cream. (My person and my friends agreed.)

I was also lucky enough to try the green tea custard when it was in the shop for two days~ ♥ It’s very, very good–I really look forward to tasting other “special” custard flavors. The green tea custard was mild and earthy, with small pieces of green tea leaves, and instead of powdered sugar the cream puff was dusted with matcha–powdered green tea. It was especially good in the original pastry! I bought a half-dozen so that I could share with my person and my friends.

Since I’m not really down the street from Beard Papa’s, and because they offer a discount for buying a half-dozen cream puffs, I like to get several and save them to eat days later. To save them, I tuck them into the freezer. Freezing the cream puffs preserves the integrity of the pastry and the cream; if you keep it in the refrigerator, the cream will make the pastry very soggy and rather unpleasant. When I want to eat one, I take it out of the freezer and let it slowly defrost for about 30 minutes. You can’t heat it up, or you’ll melt the custard! Previously-frozen cream puffs are still moister than fresh ones, but they’re definitely not bad!

I also really-really recommend the “mango milkberry!” It’s kinda like a bubble tea, but with small white tapioca beads instead of the traditionally-used black pearl type and fresh fruit! It’s a sweet, frozen smoothie-type drink with chunks of mango, strawberry, and the white tapoica, served with a massive straw so that you can drink the fruit~ ♥ Delicious!!

Charming Activities: 100 Questions Baton

Charming Activities: 100 Questions Baton

I had a hard time passing this up when I saw it posted on EGL. I have edited this baton (meme) from it’s original format, because I removed the Japanese text and adjusted the English text to flow more naturally than a direct translation. :3

1. Screen-name and date of birth, please tell us these~
          Alice (so much for a “screen-name…”) and July 21st~

2. Height, weight, clothing size, and shoe size?
          160cm, secret, 00/extra-small, and US5.

3. Why did you start to dress lolita?
          I love cute, sweet things very intensely, so when I saw sweet lolita I immediately wanted to wear it. This occured briefly after the unachievable yet intense desire to start buying ballet stage costumes and wearing them casually with non-stiff tutus…

4. Which style of lolita do you like?
          SWEET LOLITA! ♥

5. Express in your own words, the ideal of your above answer.
          Angelic Pretty advertisements circa 2007! _ Those really formulated my ideals. I’m not so much for the huge-wigs-print-print-print type of style that have right now, nor the older floral-and-ribbon-lacing influence. I think fondly on peter-pan collars edged in lace, bows topped with bows topped with other bows topped with ribbon bows, and designs that added interest with lace, bows, and pintucks–instead of relying solely on printed designs for interest. In terms of prints, I prefer “cameo”-style emblems to all-over fabric designs. I love tea party shoes and variations on tea party shoes; knee-length skirts and knee-high socks; detachable sleeves, detachable bows, detachable collars, and detachable cuffs; and adorable, but still somewhat natural, hairstyles adorned with headdresses or large bows.

6. Do you have piercings? Where?
          My ears are pierced twice. (I regret that second piercing to this day…) I rarely wear jewelry because I am incredibly allergic–even high-karat gold gives me a reaction. ;;

7. Which brands do you like?
          Angelic Pretty is my absolute favourite, but I also very much like BABY, the Stars Shine Bright. I carry a torch for some Cornet items, but that brand is so very hard to find. ~

8. Which are your favourite clothes (that you have)?
          My pink houndstooth Chocola-chan coat and matching earmuff-headdress. I always say I want to be buried in it–that isn’t a joke. I love it selfishly and don’t want anyone else to wear it when I’m dead!

9. How many lolita friends do you have?
          More than I can comfortably count~ I met the majority of my friends through the fashion.

10. What do you love most about lolita?
          I love being surrounded by frills, ruffles, laces, and bows–and generally looking like I was viciously attacked by a 1950s cake decorator.

11. What do you hate about it? Any pet peeves?
          I hate having to take the time to carefully wash and iron my clothing. I don’t hate it enough to run around looking like I’ve slept in my clothing and rolled around in the mud, but I resent the extra step of taking things to the dry cleaner and pressing out wrinkles.

12. What lolita magazines do you read?
          I read the English version of the Gothic & Lolita Bible. I like to look at the Japanese version and other magazines like Alice Deco, but because I cannot actually read them, I don’t purchase them.

13. Headdresses, bonnets or ribbons/hairbows?
          Headdresses AND hairbows! ♥

14. Do you wear bloomers?
          Always. Petticoats provide very unflattering angles, and I’ve seen the panties of more lolita girls than I ever intended to! (As I intended to see none.) I don’t want a stranger to see mine~

15. Do you tie headdresses at the front or in the back?
          In the back. I just cannot master the under-the-chin tying. Not only do I look ridiculous, it falls off my head!

16. Who is your favourite band/type of music?
          My current favourite band is Lamb of God. I ♥ heavy metal! m/

17. What is your phone ring tone~?
          My phone sounds like an old-fashioned rotary dial phone with actual bells. (I’ve always wanted one of those, but finding a refurbished one that is actually rotary-dial is too expensive for me! This was a good alternative.)

18. Do you go to concerts in lolita?
          No, but I want to! However, I’ve never been to a concert where some stranger didn’t spill at least one beer on me, and I like to mosh, so I don’t want to subject my $200 dresses to that kind of abuse. I’d be so upset if they were damaged~ ;_; I want to buy something inexpensive, but not tacky, to wear at some future concert, so I won’t cry if it is ruined.

19. For people who attend concerts: do you headbang there?
          Hellz yeah! m/ Why would you not headbang at a metal concert?!?

20. What colours do you like?
          I ♥ pink! Not neon pink or dark pink, but soft, sweet blush-pink. I prefer my pink without lavender undertones, as well. White is next up in terms of colors I like. (At least for lolita clothing–my “favourite color” is gray.)

21. What are your hobbies?
          I enjoy baking (and eating) pastries, writing letters, reading novels, doodling when the mood strikes me, and watching action movies! I own a doll, collect My Little Ponies, and have a long-standing infatuation with Sailor Moon.

22. If you have any favourite perfumes, please tell us.
          My favourite perfume (Body Shop’s “Moonflower”) was discontinued a long time ago! I haven’t found a replacement.

23. Is there anything you are careful of in lolita?
          I check before I sit down on the L or bus, and I hold my skirts close to me when I brush up against walls, in case they are dirty. I also don’t stand near people who smoke or places where smoking is allowed. My stepmother smokes, and when I visit it takes days to get the smell out! I pay attention to the terrain, because I know some of my shoes have very little traction; I don’t want to fall and scratch/tear/rip my clothes!

24. Do you have any favourite haunts to go to in lolita?
          I really like going to the Garfield Park Conservatory, because there is a woman there who is very friendly and likes to talk to me when I am dressed up. For the same reason, I enjoy buying groceries at Mitsuwa because there is a cashier who likes it when I wear lolita fashion–when I am in “normal” clothes he usually says that he is disappointed! XD
          Besides that, I like to go to tea at fancy hotels, explore tea shops, or go somewhere for dessert!

25. How many times a week do you dress lolita?
          Roughly 2 to 3, usually. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on my schedule.

26. Please tell us an embarrassing story from when you were a lolita beginner.
          At the first meetup I attended, I spent the entire time apologizing for not wearing lolita. I’m sure they all thought I was crazy!

27. What is your current hairstyle and colour?
          Mid-back, with blunt bangs; brown.

28. What is your lolita history?
          I became interested in it in 2005, and started wearing lolita fashion in 2006. I bought my first brand items in 2006, and I started collecting other lolita as “family members” in 2007~

29. Do you store your clothes in a special place?
          I keep a portion of my shared closet devoted my lolita clothing. I try to keep it as neat and pretty as possible.

30. Did you ever think about quitting lolita? What was the reason?
          I’ve considered quitting lolita fashion several times–usually because things are not going well in my life, I don’t have the extra money to spend, and overall I feel discouraged about everything. I think, “I’m not pretty enough to wear it,” “I don’t deserve nice things,” “It doesn’t suit me,” or “I’ve spent money like a fool,” and it makes me want to give up. When I do push myself to wear it, though, I feel much better. I haven’t ever actually quit; until wearing lolita fashion stops making me happy, I want to wear it!

31. What is your motto?
          “Go big or don’t go at all!”

32. What are your dreams of the future?
          Well, my dreams don’t really involve my clothing choices all that much. I’d like to get my CPA and a nice job, and live in a cozy apartment or condominium with my muffin~ ♥ Lolita-wise, I’d like a white usakumya bag and pink x pink Twinkle Mermaid jumperskirt. _

33. “This person is so perfect for lolita!” – Do you ever think that about certain celebrities?
          I don’t pay enough attention to celebrities, so no.

34. Are there any products/items of which you have with a fond memory?
          I have a pink dress from Angelic Pretty that is dear to me because my person bought it as a surprise when Angelic Pretty opened their English online store. I adore my pink and white Angelic Pretty parasol because it was a gift from my little sister, my white long-sleeved BABY the Stars Shine Bright blouse because it was a gift from my mother and stepfather, and my BABY the Stars Shine Bright bunny pochette, Mallow, because he was a gift from my father.

35. What was your first item?
          My very first item was a custom dress from In the Starlight. My first brand item was an Angelic Pretty dress, headdress, and pair of socks.

36. Do you have a signature pose for photos?
          Nope~ Looking stupid with crazed red eyes is, unfortunately, not a pose. ;;

37. What is your heart’s bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc…]
          “The Blue Castle” by L.M. Montgomery

38. What is the best height (cm) for heels?
          I prefer flat shoes.

39. Do you wear tiaras?

40. Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Gothic/dark prince? Or “prince on a white horse” style?
          I’m not really interested in wearing prince style or any of the other boy-styles.

41. What types of lace do you like?
          I like most cotton lace, but I really-really like tulle lace with patterns! (The kind Angelic Pretty embroiders with cakes, deer, or other adorable motifs.)

42. Do you own a doll? Does owning it give you fun, childish feelings?
          I do own a doll–a Volks mini super dollfie “Nagisa in Preschool.” She definitely gives me fun, childish feelings~ (Although I haven’t dressed her in lolita fashion…yet.)

43. What is in your lolita bag?
          My cellphone, my house keyes, my bank card, my bus pass, my school & work IDs, my driver’s license, Smith’s Rosebud Salve, and my camera.

44. What is your favourite flower?
          Lilies of the valley~

45. Right now, what is your favourite accessory?
          I really like the look of white pearl and gold jewelry, especially bracelets or dangling earrings! I have a bracelet that I made in those colors, and it seems to match nearly all of my outfits.

46. Please recommend some cosmetics.
          I don’t wear a lot of cosmetics, because I have really severe skin allergies, but I do like Maybelline Great Lash mascara. It’s inexpensive and works very well–I like it more than some of the expensive brands I’ve tried. I also love Urban Decay eyeshadows~ I find myself captivated by their packaging–Too Faced, too. Everything seems so pretty!

47. With eye-tape your eyes look like a doll’s! What eyelashes will you wear?
          The eyelashes that came on my face! :3 Maybe a little bit of black mascara, but probably not.

48. What is your eye makeup for these eyelashes?
          Maybe some white eyeliner. I like white the best.

49. Red Lipstick? Blue? Black? Pink?
          I prefer pink lip gloss, but red lipstick…although I never, ever wear it. I guess I just like having it around!

50. Which nail polish do you normally choose?
          I love nail polish because I am not allergic to it. (Thank you, nails, for being dead cells!!) I usually wear pink~ A friend once raided my bathroom cabinet because she had chipped her nails after getting them done at the salon…and she knew I’d have almost every shade of pink there is! Even though it wasn’t the same kind the salon used, we found the exact same colour to touch it up with.

51. Have you ever changed in a train station bathroom?
          Yes. I don’t plan to do it again.

52. What do you think of “twin” and “triplet” lolitas?
          I love them! It’s so cute! I like twinning with my little sister, but I’ll wear white/pink and she’ll wear black.

53. How do you keep in shape for lolita? Recommend something.
          I do a lot of walking! I take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator (unless it’s more than 5 floors–like at work). I walk to and from the bus stop or train station in the morning, and I walk to nearly all of my errands.

54. Do you keep calm when you wear lolita alone in public?
          Yes, I do. I try to ignore all the strangers, just blocking them out. It doesn’t matter if they’re amazed or amused–I feel better when I’m not thinking about how people might be critiquing me.

55. How much do you spend per month on clothes/accessories?
          Not very much, really–usually $0. I tend to not buy anything for several months, and then buy maybe $300 – $400 worth of things within a short period.

56. Was there a time lag between knowing about lolita and dressing in the fashion?
          Yes–from going, “ooh, I want to wear this” and receiving my first item, about 6 months.

57. What is your most expensive lolita item?
          My Angelic Pretty pink houndstooth Chocola-chan coat.

58. It takes a lot of money to be a lolita. How do you save?
          I don’t buy coffee in the morning, I pack a lunch, and I typically cook dinner instead of eating out. I don’t spend money on movies, books, or CDs–if I want to read something, I go to the library, and my person buys all the CDs I’d want anyway. I don’t buy expensive gadgets–my computer is old and my phone does not allow internet access. Besides lolita, I rarely purchase clothing. I have two major indulgences–lolita fashion and my doll.

59. Just a little secret here… How much have you spent so far on lolita, roughly?
          I think a little over $2,500… x_x I don’t actually account for it, though–could be more or less.

60. Is there a brand shop you want near where you live?
          I’d love to live near an Angelic Pretty! ♥

61. “Man, what a rip-off!!” Have you ever thought that about a store?
          I feel that way about some Chinese-made shoes. I’ve read so many negative reviews, and my experience was very unpleasant; I won’t buy Montreal brand shoes.

62. Do you shop online? If so, put the good & bad points here to advise others.
          I do shop online. I recommend protecting yourself as a buyer–choose a payment method that won’t disappear without a trace (I will never use Western Union!), request insurance and tracking if it’s something you would hate to see lost in the mail, and don’t let sympathy for sellers cloud your judgment. Too many people lose money because they didn’t receive their item, but they waited too long to get the seller’s side of the story before trying to protect themselves–and by then it was too late!

63. Is there a secret person/shop that you have commissioned a dress just for you from?
          It’s not a “secret person/shop,” but I commissioned a dress from In the Starlight when I started wearing lolita. I also own “Secret Shop” shoes! giggles

64. “I can never have that/see that happening!! But I will always want it!!” Is there a brand you think this of?
          Yes–Metamorphose! Sometimes they produce such GORGEOUS or outrageous outfits that I’d love to own…but their clothing just doesn’t fit me.

65. What do you do with the clothes you don’t want anymore?
          I try to resell them on egl_comm_sales…but usually I pawn them off on my little sister. e_e

66. What is your most recent purchase? (Even non-lolita.)
          A pair of opera-length matte white gloves~

67. Is there an item you love that you can’t buy/seem to find?
          The Angelic Pretty pink x pink Twinkle Mermaid jumperskirt. Although, if I could find it, I could never afford it!

68. What do you think of people who only wear lolita to concerts?
          I don’t care.

69. What do you think of lolitas without makeup?
          I also don’t care.

70. Another lolita is wearing the same coordinate/clothes as you!! What do you do?
          Jump up and down and excitedly announce that we are SECRET TWINZ! 😀 Amazing!

71. What age should you stop wearing lolita?
          I don’t know. I don’t think there’s a specific age–it’s up to the wearer. Some old women already dress like trashy teenagers; I don’t mind if they’d rather dress like fluffy cupcakes.

72. When do you think you should graduate from lolita? And why?
          I think I will graduate from lolita fashion when I look in the mirror and feel uncomfortable. I will probably stop wearing it in public when it might affect my career; I don’t want to have someone’s opinion of me lessened because they see me out of the office wearing pink sparkles. However, I will probably keep some important garments just for me, and wear them at home for my own enjoyment.

73. “You should stop doing that!!! ><” What must a lolita not do?
          I think that someone wearing lolita ought to be mindful of the way they sit. Seeing a prettily-dressed girl (or boy!) slouching down, head dipped down, with their legs spread awkwardly at the base of the chair, is very disappointing. (Also, usually quite revealing!) I can’t tell someone how they may or may not sit, but I always think, “Please, please adjust your skirts and sit nicely!”

74. “A lolita should be ‘this’!” What do you think that should be?
          A lolita should be well put-together. She looks most impressive if she’s thoughtfully coordinated from head to toe!

75. Besides #73, is there anything you should definitely not do while wearing lolita?
          Stomp in brackish rain-puddles. At least not when you might dirty someone else’s socks and clothing.

76. What do you think of men in lolita?
          I don’t mind if they wear it or if they don’t.

77. Did you change yourself to be a lolita?
          Well, I changed my hairstyle–I used to be terrified of having bangs, but I had them cut in August 2009 and I love them! Other than that–no. I didn’t start wearing lolita so I could pretend to be someone else–I just like being a frillier me.

78. What does your family and other people think of you dressing lolita? And do you accept it?
          My family is mostly okay with it. My mother didn’t really approve at first, but after she visited the BABY the Stars Shine Bright store in Paris her mind is very much changed! My father loves it, because I am “sticking it to The Man!” Most of the time, other people don’t care. I accept how everyone may feel about my clothing choice, because I don’t have a right to tell them what they may and may not think.

79. How do you wear lolita in the boiling mid-summer?
          With a few less layers than in winter! I don’t usually get too warm, though, so I still wear blouses with my jumperskirts, and knee socks.

80. Have you gone to school or work in lolita?
          Yes, but I don’t do it often.

81. How do you dress normally?
          Jeans and t-shirts, with or without a sweater. I dislike clothes shopping unless it’s later.

82. Do you think twice about buying second-hand clothes?
          Not really. I try to make smart decisions–ask for pictures, check the measurements, verify that the price isn’t inflated, look into the background of the seller, etc. but I don’t worry that there’s some kind of secret conspiracy determined to ruin me with second-hand clothes.

83. Do you have a boyfriend? (or husband?) Does he understand lolita?
          My husband is very understanding about my “odd” fashion interest. He thinks it is cute and is very encouraging about it. ♥ I don’t think I could really ask for more~

84. Please tell us about your ideal man.
          He lives in my apartment, plays guitar at all hours of the day and night, wears heavy-metal t-shirts and jeans to lolita events, and is the only person ever to really and truly care about me for who I am.

85. What lolita has left a big, shiny impression on you so far?
          Helena! She’s super-super-super nice, dresses so well, and is generally lots of fun to be around! ♥ When I met her I felt like I was meeting a celebrity. _

86. Have you made your own clothes? What are they like?
          I absolutely cannot sew. My total ineptitude is pathetic.

87. Have you made your own accessories? What did you make?
          I have made some glass pearl-and-bead bracelets for myself and several friends. I also made a pair of wrist-cuffs with LOTS of assistance from my little sister, who is a sewing genius.

88. Think about the best item you have made! What is it?
          The “best” would be the bracelets. They look like something you might buy at a store–not something made by a not-terribly-creatively-inclined girl on a whim.

89. Please tell us about the most perfect lolita coordination you wear.
          I don’t think I have any “perfect” coordinations–I am not very creative or unique. I tend to stick to a rather predictable formula of OP or blouse + jsk/skirt, knee socks, and hair accessory. In my opinion, though, my outfits look closer to “perfect” if I have suitable poof from my petticoat! Poof makes it or breaks it for me.

90. Do you admire someone? What are they like?
          I admire many people, but not really related to lolita fashion. (My grandfather is absolutely my biggest role model; I look up to him so much. He’s not AT ALL lolita-related, though! XD)

91. “One day I will go on a date with that person.” What would you like to wear for him?
          I would wear the dress he bought for me, with a pink hairbow atop my head and pink socks with white accents–and white tea party shoes~

92. If you want one, what type of store would you open in the future?
          I’d open a store to sell tea! ♥ I’d love to have a cute little tea-shop~

93. Something catches your eye. What is this motif?
          It’s a bunny. A really, really cute bunny. It may or may not be holding a cherry or strawberry…

94. Would you dress your child in lolita?
          I’m not sure, really. If I have children, I don’t want to force them into things that I like. @@ I don’t need to live through them! I’d like to see what sort of things they’re interested in.

95. How much do you spend on one outfit?
          Eeek, this is a scary question! A lot. @
@ I don’t want to think about it, really! Thankfully almost all of my pieces are multi-purpose, so I don’t have to buy an ENTIRELY new coordination every time.

96. “This is lolita!!” Please say what you would say this about.
          A fluffy, cupcake-shaped petticoat!

97. “I have always wanted to try that once!” What, in the lolita world, have you wanted to try wearing?
          I’ve been very interested, lately, in a more hime type of style. However, I’m not interested enough to really make the investment…

98. Look at yourself in lolita. In one word/phrase, how would you express your style/image?
          Pink fluff ball.

99. What is your lolita ideal?
          Angelic Pretty advertisements circa 2007. ♥ That is what comes to mind for me whenever I think of “perfect lolita outfit!” I love cute, but not too outlandish, garments and coordinations~

100. Thank you for taking this baton!! Tell us what you think!
          I had a lot of fun thinking about how to answer the questions! I will definitely read the answers from other lolita, too~ ♥

On Being Lolita: Usakumya’s Evil Clutches

On Being Lolita: Usakumya’s Evil Clutches

Before I started wearing lolita, I really disliked plush purses and bags. I loved stuffed animals, especially as a small child, but I was absolutely horrified at the thought of unzipping something cute and reaching my hand inside. It seemed like invasive, unwanted surgery! (These kinds of thoughts came from the fact that my childhood stuffed bear constantly developed holes, and needed to have his stuffing removed, replaced, and be sewn. Traumatizing!)

However, I have completely fallen in love with the BABY, the Stars Shine Bright usakumya (“bunny bear”) bags. Any of them! All of them!

When I first saw one in print, I was unimpressed, thinking, “it’s a $200 stuffed animal with red eyes.” When I saw one in person, I still wasn’t impressed. The more I met other people’s bunny bears, the more my mood changed. They’re cute. They’re soft. They’re SO BIG. (At least the first ones~) I loved to hold and pet other people’s bunny bears, daydreaming about a tea party attended by only me and a plethora of usakumya~ Yet I didn’t buy one. My common excuse for not getting one was, “I won’t treat it like a nice accessory–I’ll cuddle it, get it dirty, and wonder why I spent $200!”

My excuse has lasted, but not for too long. My little sister bought one when she was in Japan, and the more I play with hers the more I really wish I had one. (Even moreso because it would be twintastic!) Then another friend started collecting the “mini-mini” versions–the ones that can’t even fit a tube of lip balm–and I cannot stop staring at them with dazzled eyes. I accidentally took one home with me, and returned it promptly–but already I couldn’t stop that “uwaaaa~” kind of feeling inside that comes from super-super-super cute irresistible things.

Still the Same

Now I want a white one to match hers, since we already having matching bunny pochettes, Mallow and Liquorice~ Of course, they’re sold out on the website, but I am wishing-wishing-wishing for them to be re-released. They’ve been re-released several times, always selling out, so I can only hope that the company will make a sound business decision. My back-up plan has involved fluttering around my mother and stepfather, trying to persuade them that they would absolutely love to purchase one for me if there are any at the BtSSB Paris store. It’s not a very good plan, though… maybe in a few weeks I’ll get serious and start looking for one second-hand!

Somehow the bunny bear just seems so much cuter to me than some of the other stuffed animal bags. I’m not very fond of the Angelic Pretty purses, even though they have such cute designs, because they rarely seem to be of a higher quality. Every usakumya that I’ve touched has been soft, with a subtle nubbed texture. The lace trimmings on the hood are lovely, and the straps and hardware are better than the average backpack. A friend’s Milky-chan purse, on the other hand, looked and felt very much like the kind of plush animal purse sold at toy stores–although the fawn herself was adorable!

Ah, usakumya~ Someday we will be together! ♥

Sweet Treats: Swirlz Cupcakes

Sweet Treats: Swirlz Cupcakes

Cupcakes have become very “hip” in the past year or so. I’ve seen numerous cupcake bakeries open (and close…) in Chicago. I am very fond of cupcakes myself, since they are small cakes and I am not exactly able to eat an entire big cake. I’ve tried to taste the goods at as many of the cupcakeries in the area as possible, although a few have always evaded me. (I’m not willing to travel for a few hours to eat a cupcake unless I know it’s going to be completely awesome; maybe I’d feel differently about this if I had a car instead of relying on public transportation, but maybe not.)
One of the places I hadn’t been able to visit was Swirlz. Although it isn’t terribly far from where I live, it was always juuuuuust a little bit further than I wanted to travel on that day. (It doesn’t help that there are closer cupcake shops that I am fond of!) However, over the weekend I went out to lunch with my person. When we decided where we wanted to go, I realized we were close to Swirlz, so we decided to stop by for a cupcake after lunch. (Unfortunately, I got us both rather lost on the way there…and it was only about a block away~ Whoops~)

Boston Creme Pie Cupcake from Swirlz

He chose their flavor of the day–Boston Creme Pie. My person adores Boston creme pie when it’s in pie-form, so he was especially excited. He had every right to be–his cupcake was delicious! The flavors of the cake were both well-blended and well-separated. (You can see here that the base was vanilla and the top was chocolate.) The cupcake had the requisite custard filling, which was smooth and tasty, and the frosting was dipped in chocolate~ We were both very impressed.

Red-Velvet Cupcake from Swirlz

I ordered a gluten-free red velvet cupcake. No particular reason in terms of the gluten-free–I was mostly curious. In retrospect, I suspect that I should have ordered the original red velvet cupcake. The cupcake itself, though moist and dense, was rather flavorless. The cream cheese frosting was quite good, but it would have been better were it offsetting a more flavored cake.

Overall, I would definitely patronize Swirlz again, although it isn’t likely to be my go-to for cupcakes. The price is $3.50 per cupcake, which is on the higher end, but the flavors weren’t as intricate as I prefer. I don’t like to purchase a cupcake if I could make it at home with ease, but beyond the flavor of the day the other options were vanilla, chocolate, and variants of the two. For that price, I’d rather head to more and eat something ridiculous. :3

Outfit Snap: A Coordination Unseen

Outfit Snap: A Coordination Unseen

Christmas Flowers

I dressed up today, and paid a bit of extra attention because I was going to meet some new people, but in the end my outfit was seen for all of maybe 5 minutes when I asked someone to take a picture for me! Oh well–I guess that’s just how things go sometimes.

It’s still very, very cold here, so I bundled up as much as possible. I knew I would be out and about, because I headed down to the Garfield Park Conservatory. It’s a magnificent, enormous greenhouse with a charming Victorian feeling to it. However, it is not near where I live–I rode on 3 different lines of the L to get there. (But thankfully, my ride was not terribly long.) I attended a ball-jointed doll “mini-meetup,” and it was a lot of fun.

Although I’ve taken to painting my nails frequently, I don’t usually do much with them. I admire lolita who decorate their nails or are able to function with charms dangling from their fingertips~ However, I have very poor control of my fingers with false nails or decorations, so I didn’t want to attempt something that advanced. Instead, I aimed for a more subtle look. I first painted my nails with some very sheer pink nail polish, intended for French manicures, then alternated every-other finger with a coat of micro-glitter-packed sheer pink polish! It’s a particularly nice effect in person, because the light really dazzles on the glittery fingers, but it isn’t quite enough to be obnoxiously distracting. (Maybe I’ll try something bolder next time!)

My outfit today consisted of many, many layers! I couldn’t bear to go without long underwear, since I knew I’d be outside quite a bit today, so I wore a blouse under my one-piece to avoid the awkward collision of the mis-matched necklines of the dress and the thermal shirt. I like to wear blouses under one-pieces in the winter, and it works out very nicely as long as the dress has a square neckline and the blouse has a Peter Pan or high-neck collar. If the dress has a higher collar, there’s too much bulk underneath. If they both have square collars, the overlap tends to look awkward.

Instead of my “default” spiral pigtails, I coiled braids into buns, accenting them with a bow. It was a bit difficult to fit my earmuffs on without removing the bows, but at just the right positioning the headdress covered them up. (Thankfully they didn’t dig into my head! x_+ I worried it would be painful…) The wind can be brutal here, so having my hair completely up prevented any non-intentional “blow drying.” I wore socks for a little bit extra pinkness~ Even if my outfit was barely seen, I had fun dressing up today. At least I got a picture!


Outfit Snap: Snowy Berry Bunny

Outfit Snap: Snowy Berry Bunny

Winter Coat of Coatness

In honor of a day off (hooray!) I dressed up. I spent the whole day with my person, which always makes me happy. To add to the joy of the day, I wore my Cherry Berry Bunny jumperskirt. This probably qualifies as my “dream dress” even though I’d like to think that the Twinkle Mermaid jumperskirt is my dream. (I doubt that I will ever see a Twinkle Mermaid jumperskirt for sale that won’t cost some incredibly overinflated price.) I love the artwork for this print, even though I’m not really fond of prints in general. I guess I just can’t resist adorable bunnies! ♥

I paired it with my white long-sleeved Christmas present blouse. There’s just something invaluable about a truly long-sleeved blouse in the wintertime; I find that when I wear my detachable-sleeve blouses the wind sneaks in where the sleeves attach! I usually wear long-underwear in the winter, but sometimes that’s not enough when there’s a harsh chill–even indoors. I’m really thankful for this blouse~

Snowy Berry Bunny

Since it’s cold outside, my coordinations always involve my winter coat! I really feel that this coat is one of the most valuable lolita garments I’ve ever purchased. It was expensive, but worth every penny! I love having a coat that fits well over my clothing (normal coats always gape at the bottom or scrunch up funny over the volume of a petticoat) and looks finished. Sometimes I’ve spotted a coat that could fit over a lolita coordination, but usually those coats have no shape. With the “poof” of lolita clothing underneath, it’s very unflattering–it makes people look like blobs.

Of course, my feelings towards this coat might not be as glowing if it weren’t for the best part–my earmuffs. My coat has a matching earmuff-headdress, which works very well to keep my ears from freezing. I find that I’m most uncomfortable in inclement weather if my extremities (toes, fingers, ears, etc.) are cold; it’s definitely easy for them to be cold, too! Wearing these earmuffs keeps my ears from hurting, thus I can have more fun out in the snow. Since it’s a headdress, instead of a headband, it can fold up to fit in my pocket when I’m not wearing it. I wish I had another one of these to match my normal coat! (I should make one…)

Frilly Snow Time